A downloadable game for Windows


In this game you will need to catch as many fruits as possible before time runs out! Can you achieve a high enough score to unlock different music and backgrounds? This game is taken from an idea that ChatpGPT gave me and I enjoyed making it.



Developer's Thoughts

Overall making this game was not terribly hard. I did get some shaders from godotshaders because I still lack the skills for that part.  I also still do not like making music nor do I know how but that is what I got some free packs off the internet. I did get the music from a Ludum Dare pack and I credited that in my game. Honestly some bangers in the pack. I tried something new for the game and that was having a button on the Main Menu so you can go through each panels rather than wait for it to come around again. I also added another file the game creates to save data like where the sound sliders were when the game closes out. Overall it was a fun mini game to make to give me a break from one of my bigger projects. As with any of my projects my code is up on Github, feel free to take a gander. And bugs are to be expected.


Falling Fruits.zip 27 MB

Install instructions

How to Play

You are going to want to download and play this game! Here is how to play it:

  1. Download 
  2. Unzip the files to a new folder
  3. Make sure the .pck and the .exe files are in the same folder
  4. Double click the .exe and have fun!
  5. Add a shortcut to the desktop (optional)

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